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W A N T   T O   P E R F O R M



Next season, we anticipate providing three performance opportunities. The exact dates will be set based on availability of the selected musicians.


To be eligible, you should be a high school student, who plans on attending a music school to study classical music performance or a classical music performance major, currently attending a conservatory. You must be a US citizen or  hold a visa and reside in the United States. You should be able to arrive on Hilton Head Island, with or without parents, at your own expense (if you will travel by air, you will be reimbursed.)  Once you arrive all meals, transportation and housing will be provided. You should plan on performing a 45 - 75 minute classical music instrumental concert with accompaniment. (You may provide your own accompanist or one will be provided for you.)  A minimum of 2 performances will be held.  Additional appearances may be planed based on your schedule and venue availability.


Interested candidates should submit some basic information about yourself to Please submit a link to one or more recent solo video performance (YouTube Public or Unlisted videos are preferred.) Click here for further details.



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